
Monday, 14 April 2014

See How Smartphones have Changed Lives


No one can deny the fact that smartphones have become an important device in today’s time. A few years ago, a cell phone was just a small handheld device used to make and receive phone calls. However, times have completely changed, and now mobile phones are being replaced by Smartphones. We can say a Smartphone is a better option and a powerful tool, comparable to computers and laptops. This fact allows many merchants to interact and keep in touch with their customers by sending them time-to-time notifications about offers, deals, and more. Smartphones should not be considered as simple mobile phones, but as great devices to improve the way we communicate with our friends, family, and business partners.

Hands on with the thinnest keyboard device – Smartphone

Reading the newspaper over a cup of tea was a norm for older generations. But, with the passage of time, internet availability in Smartphones have changed the rules of the game by connecting people with the world news, almost as it happens. Smartphones today can do much more than just making phone calls and sending messages. The wave of Smartphones is taking them a step further and offering instant messaging services like Whatsapp, FB instant Messenger, We Chat,  and many more for various smartphones across different platforms. Most of the Smartphones are coming with high resolution multi-megapixel cameras. In short, they are replacing digital cameras as well.

According to Mobile Mindset Study, “58% of Smartphone users cannot live without checking their phone for an hour, 73% of them feel panic, and even men get emotional when unable to check their smartphone. People check their phone everywhere: in bed, in the bathroom, during meals, while driving, and some even check their phone during church on Sunday. The percentages are especially high in the 18 to 34 age group.”

People are changing the ways they communicate and focusing more on social networking apps. In simple terms, Smartphones are saving money by allowing for free communications  through Skype, Fb Messenger, and more.